Section IV: Game Support
Getting Help
If you have any questions or concerns about Magic, we're here to help you. For answers to quick rules questions, call (206) 624-0933 during normal business hours (PST) and ask to speak to a customer service rep. If you don't want to pay the long-distance charges, feel free to write us at Wizards of the Coast, P.O. Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, attn: Magic Customer Service.We also provide electronic customer support, including mailing lists and reps on many online services as well as rules support. Email us at with rules questions or requests for information. For general comments, including any regarding damaged product, email us at And don't miss our World Wide Web page at!
If you're in the United Kingdom, you can call our UK office regarding questions or rules clarification at 0345-125599 or email us at You can also send postal mail to Wizards of the Coast UK Ltd., P.O. Box 1562, Glasgow, G2 8BW, SCOTLAND, attn: Magic Customer Service.
In other European countries, you can call our Belgium office at +32-14-44-30-44, fax us at +32-14-44-30-88, or email us at You can also send postal mail to Wizards of the Coast, Belgium, P.B. Box 34, 2300 Turnhout, BELGIUM, attn: Magic Customer Service, or send email or postal mail to our UK office.
Because Magic is based on the interactions of specific card wordings, sometimes it's unclear what should happen when certain cards interact. In those cases, we provide rulings and rules clarifications for you. These are published periodically on the Internet wherever we have a Netrep, such as on the newsgroup or the mailing list at
. The latest rulings are also published in each issue of The Duelist magazine.
Read All about It
To find out more about Magic, check out The Duelist, Wizards of the Coast's official trading card game magazine. This full-color magazine offers answers to rules questions, deck-building advice, and strategy tips from the experts. It also provides an inside look at the latest releases, featuring set previews as well as interviews with the designers, artists, and players shaping the industry. The Duelist is the definitive Magic reference for beginners and experts alike. Ask for it wherever you buy Magic! For more information, write Wizards of the Coast, P.O. Box 707, Renton, WA, 98057-0707, attn: The Duelist or call (206) 226-6500 and ask for The Duelist. To subscribe or renew only, call 1-800-395-7760.
Playing Nicely with Others
Many retailers sponsor in-house tournaments and/or leagues, in which you can meet and compete with other Magic players. Some even have space in their stores set aside for general gaming. Additionally, some organizations and schools have game clubs--another great place to practice your Magic skills and meet other players!
For serious players, we've formed Duelists' Convocation International, our official tournament organization. Membership allows you the opportunity to earn an official rating through sanctioned tournaments. For more information, write Wizards of the Coast, P.O. Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, attn: DCI or call Duelists' Convocation International at (206) 204-8032.