Magic - The Gathering®
Legends Card List
Released: June 1994. 310 cards.
C1 | C2 | R1 | U1 | U2 | Sum | |
White | 6 | 9 | 13 | 15 | - | 43 |
Blue | 6 | 9 | 13 | 15 | - | 43 |
Black | 6 | 9 | 13 | 15 | - | 43 |
Red | 5 | 10 | 13 | 15 | - | 43 |
Green | 6 | 9 | 13 | 15 | - | 43 |
Multi-color | - | - | 35 | 20 | - | 55 |
Artifact | - | - | 20 | 7 | 2 | 29 |
Land | - | - | 1 | 3 | 7 | 11 |
Total | 29 | 46 | 121 | 105 | 9 | 310 |
Sort by clicking on the table headers.
Name | Color | Type | Cost | Pwr/Tgh | Text | Rarity |
Abomination | Black | Summon Abomination | 3BB | 2/6 | All green or white creatures blocking or blocked by Abomination are destroyed at the end of combat. |
U1 |
Abyss, The | Black | Enchant World | 3B | All players bury one target non-artifact creature under their control, if they have any, during their upkeep. | R1 | |
Acid Rain | Blue | Sorcery | 3U | Destroys all forests. | R1 | |
Active Volcano | Red | Instant | R | Destroy target blue permanent or return target island to owner's hand. Enchantments on target land are destroyed. | C2 | |
Adun Oakenshield | Multi-color | Summon Legend | GRB | 1/2 | GRB, TAP: Bring one creature from your graveyard to your hand. | R1 |
Adventurers' Guildhouse | Land | Land | - | All your green legends gain bands with other legends. | U1 | |
Aisling Leprechaun | Green | Summon Faerie | G | 1/1 | All creatures that block or are blocked by Leprechaun become green creatures. Use counters to indicate changed creatures. Cost to tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target creature remains entirely unchanged. | C1 |
Akron Legionnaire | White | Summon Legionnaire | 6WW | 8/4 | None of your non-artifact creatures may attack except Akron Legionnaire. |
R1 |
Al-abara's Carpet | Artifact | Artifact | 5 | 5, TAP: Prevents all damage done to you by attacking non-flying creatures. | R1 | |
Alabaster Potion | White | Instant | XWW | Target player gains X life or prevents X damage to any one creature or player. | C2 | |
Alchor's Tomb | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 2, TAP: Change the color of target permanent you control to a color of your choice. Use counters. Cost to cast, tap, maintain, or use a special ability of card remains unchanged. | R1 | |
All Hallow's Eve | Black | Sorcery | 2BB | Put two counters on this card. Remove a counter during your upkeep. When you remove the last counter from All Hallow's Eve, all players take all creatures from their graveyards and put them directly into play. Treat these creatures as though they were just summoned. You choose what order they come into play. |
R1 | |
Amrou Kithkin | White | Summon Kithkin | WW | 1/1 | Creatures with power greater than 2 may not be assigned to block Kithkin. Blocker's power may be increased after blocking has been assigned. | C2 |
Angelic Voices | White | Enchantment | 2WW | As long as the only creatures you control are white or artifact creatures all your creatures gain +1/+1. | R1 | |
Angus Mackenzie | Multi-color | Summon Legend | WUG | 2/2 | WUG, TAP: Creatures attack and block as normal, but none deal any damage during combat. All attacking creatures are still tapped. Use this ability any time before attack damage is dealt. | R1 |
Anti-Magic Aura | Blue | Enchant Creature | 2U | All enchantments on target creature are destroyed. Target creature cannot be further targeted by instants, sorceries, or enchantments. |
C1 | |
Arboria | Green | Enchant World | 2GG | If a player does not cast a spell or put a card into play on his or her turn, no creatures may attack that player until after his or her next turn. | U1 | |
Arcades Sabboth | Multi-color | Summon Elder Dragon Legend | 2WWGGUU | 7/7 | Flying W: +0/+1 until end of turn. Your untapped creatures gain +0/+2. Attacking creatures do not get this bonus. Pay WGU during your upkeep or Arcades Sabboth is buried. |
R1 |
Arena of the Ancients | Artifact | Artifact | 3 | All legends become tapped when Arena comes into play. Legends do not untap as normal during the untap phase. |
R1 | |
Avoid Fate | Green | Interrupt | G | Counters target interrupt or enchantment. Can only counter spells that target a permanent under your control. | C1 | |
Axelrod Gunnarson | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4BBRR | 5/5 | Trample Each time a creature is placed in the graveyard during a turn in which Axelrod damaged it, you gain 1 life and Axelrod does 1 damage to target player. |
R1 |
Ayesha Tanaka | Multi-color | Summon Legend | UUWW | 2/2 | Banding TAP: Artifact effect which requires an activation cost is countered unless its controller spends W. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
R1 |
Azure Drake | Blue | Summon Drake | 3U | 2/4 | Flying | U1 |
Backdraft | Red | Instant | 1R | Backdraft does half of the damage (rounded down) done by one sorcery cast this turn to the caster of the sorcery. | U1 | |
Backfire | Blue | Enchant Creature | U | For each point of damage done to you from target creature Backfire does one point of damage to target creature's controller. |
U1 | |
Barbary Apes | Green | Summon Apes | 1G | 2/2 | - | C1 |
Barktooth Warbeard | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4BRR | 6/5 | - | U1 |
Bartel Runeaxe | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3GRB | 6/5 | Bartel Runeaxe cannot be the target of enchant creature spells. Attacking does not cause Bartel Runeaxe to tap. |
R1 |
Beasts of Bogardan | Red | Summon Beasts | 4R | 3/3 | Protection from red Gains +1/+1 if an opponent controls any white cards. |
U1 |
Black Mana Battery | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 2, TAP: Put one counter on Color Black Mana Battery. TAP: Add B to your mana pool. Remove as many counters as you wish. For each counter removed add B to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
U1 | |
Blazing Effigy | Red | Summon Effigy | 1R | 0/3 | When placed in the graveyard from play, Effigy does 3 damage to target creature. If an Effigy is damaged by another Effigy in this manner and is placed in the graveyard that turn, it deals the amount of damage received from the other Effigy in addition to its normal 3. |
C2 |
Blight | Black | Enchant Land | BB | If target land becomes tapped, it is destroyed at the end of the turn. | U1 | |
Blood Lust | Red | Instant | null | Target creatures gain +4/-4 until end of turn. If this reduces creature's toughness below 1, creature's toughness is 1. | U1 | |
Blue Mana Battery | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 2, TAP: Put one counter on Blue Mana Battery. TAP: Add U to your mana pool. Remove as many counters as you wish. For each counter removed add U to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
U1 | |
Boomerang | Blue | Instant | UU | Return target permanent to owner's hand; enchantments on target permanent are destroyed. | C2 | |
Boris Devilboon | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3BR | 2/2 | 2BR, TAP: Put a minor demon token into play. Treat this token as a 1/1 red and black creature. |
R1 |
Brine Hag | Blue | Summon Hag | 2UU | 2/2 | On the turn during which Hag is placed in the graveyard,all creatures who dealt damage to Hag that turn become 0/2 creatures. Use counters to mark these creatures. | U1 |
Bronze Horse | Artifact | Artifact Creature | 7 | 4/4 | Trample Damage done to Bronze Horse by spells which target it is reduced to zero as long as you control another creature. |
R1 |
Brute, The | Red | Enchant Creature | 1R | Target creature gains +1/+0 RRR: Regenerates |
C1 | |
Carrion Ants | Black | Summon Ants | 2BB | 0/1 | 1: +1/+1 until end of turn. | R1 |
Cat Warriors | Green | Summon Cat Warriors | 1GG | 2/2 | Forestwalk | C2 |
Cathedral of Serra | Land | Land | null | All your white legends gain bands with other legends. | U1 | |
Caverns of Despair | Red | Enchant World | 2RR | All players may attack with no more than two creatures each turn and block with no more than two creatures each turn. | R1 | |
Chain Lightning | Red | Sorcery | R | Chain Lightning does 3 damage to one target. Each time Chain Lightning does damage, the target or target's controller may then pay RR to have Chain Lightning do 3 damage to any target of that player's choice. |
C2 | |
Chains of Mephistopheles | Black | Enchantment | 1B | Every time a player draws a card, that player must first discard a card from hand. If there are no cards in player's hand, take top card from library and place it in the graveyard instead of drawing. This enchantment does not apply to the first card drawn by a player during the draw phase. | R1 | |
Chromium | Multi-color | Summon Elder Dragon Legend | 2BBUUWW | 7/7 | Flying, Rampage: 2 Pay BUW during your upkeep or Chromium is buried. |
R1 |
Cleanse | White | Sorcery | 2WW | All black creatures in play are destroyed. | R1 | |
Clergy of the Holy Nimbus | White | Summon Priest | W | 1/1 | When Clergy are destroyed or take lethal damage, unless opponent pays 1 Clergy are regenerated. | C2 |
Cocoon | Green | Enchant Creature | G | Tap target creature you control and put three counters on it. Target creature does not untap as normal while it has one or more of these counters on it. Remove one counter during your upkeep. During the upkeep phase after the one in which the last counter was removed, Cocoon is destroyed and target creature gains a +1/+1 counter and flying ability. | U1 | |
Concordant Crossroads | Green | Enchant World | G | Creatures may attack or use abilities that include the TAP symbol during the turn they are brought into play. |
R1 | |
Cosmic Horror | Black | Summon Horror | 3BBB | 7/7 | First strike Pay 3BBB during your upkeep or Cosmic Horror does 7 damage to you and is destroyed. |
R1 |
Craw Giant | Green | Summon Giant | 3GGGG | 6/4 | Trample Rampage: 2 |
U1 |
Crevasse | Red | Enchantment | 2R | Creatures with mountainwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | U1 | |
Crimson Kobolds | Red | Summon Kobolds | 0 | 0/1 | This card is a red spell when cast and Kobolds are a red creature. | C2 |
Crimson Manticore | Red | Summon Manticore | 2RR | 2/2 | Flying R, TAP: Manticore does 1 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. |
R1 |
Crookshank Kobolds | Red | Summon Kobolds | 0 | 0/1 | This card is a red spell when cast and Kobolds are a red creature. | C2 |
Cyclopean Mummy | Black | Summon Mummy | 1B | 2/1 | If Mummy is placed in the graveyard from play, remove it from the game. | C2 |
D'Avenant Archer | White | Summon Archer | 2W | 1/2 | TAP: Archer does 1 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. | C2 |
Dakkon Blackblade | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2BUUW | */* | The *s below equal the number of lands you control. | R1 |
Darkness | Black | Instant | B | Creatures attack and block as normal, but none deal any damage. All attacking creatures are still tapped. Play any time before attack damage is assigned. |
C1 | |
Deadfall | Green | Enchantment | 2G | Creatures with forestwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | U1 | |
Demonic Torment | Black | Enchant Creature | 2B | Target creature deals no damage during combat. Creature cannot attack. |
U1 | |
Devouring Deep | Blue | Summon Devouring Deep | 2U | 1/2 | Islandwalk | C2 |
Disharmony | Red | Instant | 2R | Target attacking creature comes under your control untapped. Return to current controller at end of turn. This creature is no longer considered to have attacked. Play before defense is chosen. |
R1 | |
Divine Intervention | White | Enchantment | 6WW | Put two counters on this card. Remove a counter during your upkeep. When you remove the last counter from Divine Intervention, the game is over and considered a draw. | R1 | |
Divine Offering | White | Instant | 1W | Destroy target artifact. You gain life points equal to casting cost of artifact. | C2 | |
Divine Transformation | White | Enchant Creature | 2WW | Target creature gains +3/+3. | R1 | |
Dream Coat | Blue | Enchant Creature | U | Caster may change target creature's color to any other color. Thisability is played as an interrupt. Limit of one change per turn. Cost to tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target creature remains entirely unchanged. |
U1 | |
Durkwood Boars | Green | Summon Boars | 4G | 4/4 | - | C2 |
Dwarven Song | Red | Instant | R | Changes the color of one or more target creatures to red until end of turn. You choose which and how many creatures are affected. Cost to tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target creatures remains entirely unchanged. | U1 | |
Elder Land Wurm | White | Summon Wurm | 4WWW | 5/5 | Trample Wurm cannot attack until it has been assigned as a blocker. |
R1 |
Elder Spawn | Blue | Summon Spawn | 4UUU | 6/6 | Elder Spawn cannot be blocked by red creatures. Sacrifice one of your islands during your upkeep or Elder Spawn does 6 damage to you and is buried. |
R1 |
Elven Riders | Green | Summon Riders | 3GG | 3/3 | Cannot be blocked by any creatures except walls and flying creatures. | R1 |
Emerald Dragonfly | Green | Summon Dragonfly | 1G | 1/1 | Flying, GG: First strike until end of turn. | C2 |
Enchanted Being | White | Summon Being | 1WW | 2/2 | Any damage dealt to Enchanted Being during combat by creatures with one or more enchantment cards played on them is reduced to 0. | C1 |
Enchantment Alteration | Blue | Instant | U | Switch target enchantment from one creature to another or from one land to another. The controller of the enchantment does not change. New target of enchantment must be valid or this spell has no effect. Treat this as if the enchantment had just been cast on the new target. |
C1 | |
Energy Tap | Blue | Sorcery | U | Target creature you control becomes tapped. Add an amount of colorless mana equal to target untapped creature's casting cost to your mana pool. | C2 | |
Equinox | White | Enchant Land | W | Tap land enchanted with Equinox to counter a spell that destroys one or more of your lands. This ability is played as an interrupt. | C1 | |
Eternal Warrior | Red | Enchant Creature | R | Attacking does not tap target creature. | U1 | |
Eureka | Green | Sorcery | 2GG | Both players may take any permanent in their hand and put it directly into play. Players take turns playing one card from their hand until neither wants to play more permanents. No other spells or effects of any kind may be used while Eureka is in effect. If a spell has an X in its casting cost, X is 0. | R1 | |
Evil Eye of Orms-By-Gore | Black | Summon Evil Eye | 4B | 3/6 | None of your creatures can attack except for Evil Eyes. Evil Eye can only be blocked by walls. |
U1 |
Fallen Angel | Black | Summon Angel | 3BB | 3/3 | Flying Sacrifice a creature to give Fallen Angel +2/+1 until end of turn. |
U1 |
Falling Star | Red | Sorcery | 2R | Flip Star onto the playing area from a height of at least one foot. Star must turn at least 360 degrees or it has no effect. When Falling Star lands, Falling Star does 3 damage to each creature that it touches. Any creatures damaged by Falling Star that are not destroyed become tapped. |
R1 | |
Feint | Red | Instant | R | All creatures blocking target attacking creature become tapped. Target attacking creature and all creatures blocking it deal no damage during combat. | C1 | |
Field of Dreams | Blue | Enchant World | U | The top card of each player's library is always face up. | R1 | |
Fire Sprites | Green | Summon Faeries | 1G | 1/1 | Flying G, TAP: Add R to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
C2 |
Firestorm Phoenix | Red | Summon Phoenix | 4RR | 3/2 | Flying If Phoenix is placed in the graveyard from play, return it to owner's hand instead. It may not be summoned again until owner's next turn. |
R1 |
Flash Counter | Blue | Interrupt | 1U | Counters target interrupt or instant spell. | C2 | |
Flash Flood | Blue | Instant | U | Destroy target red permanent, or return target mountain to owner's hand. Enchantments on target land are destroyed. | C2 | |
Floral Spuzzem | Green | Summon Spuzzem | 3G | 2/2 | If Floral Spuzzem attacks an opponent and is not blocked, then Floral Spuzzem may choose to destroy a target artifact under that opponent's control and deal no damage. | U1 |
Force Spike | Blue | Interrupt | U | Target spell is countered unless its caster spends an additional 1. | C2 | |
Forethought Amulet | Artifact | Artifact | 5 | Pay 3 during your upkeep or Forethought Amulet is destroyed. If you receive more than 2 damage from a sorcery or instant source, that damage is reduced to 2. | R1 | |
Fortified Area | White | Enchantment | 1WW | All your walls gain +1/+0 and banding. | U1 | |
Frost Giant | Red | Summon Giant | 3RRR | 4/4 | Rampage: 2 | U1 |
Gabriel Angelfire | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3WWGG | 4/4 | During your upkeep, Gabriel gains one of the following abilities until your next upkeep: flying, first strike, trample, or rampage: 3. | R1 |
Gaseous Form | Blue | Enchant Creature | 2U | Damage done to target creaure by creatures it blocks, or that block it, is reduced to 0. Creature deals no damage during combat. | C1 | |
Gauntlets of Chaos | Artifact | Artifact | 5 | 5: Sacrifice Gauntlets of Chaos. Take control of target land, creature, or artifact. Then give former controller of that permanent control of a target permanent of the same type under your control. You each control these permanents until game ends. Gauntlets of Chaos does not tap or untap these permanents. Enchantments on traded permanents are destroyed. |
R1 | |
Ghosts of the Damned | Black | Summon Ghosts | 1BB | 0/2 | TAP: Target creature gets -1/-0 until end of turn. | C2 |
Giant Slug | Black | Summon Slug | 1B | 1/1 | 5: During controller's next upkeep Giant Slug gains landwalk ability of controller's choice until end of turn. The type of landwalk chosen must correspond with one of the five basic land types. | C2 |
Giant Strength | Red | Enchant Creature | RR | Target creature gains +2/+2 | C2 | |
Giant Turtle | Green | Summon Turtle | 1GG | 2/4 | Giant Turtle may not attack if it attacked during your last turn. | C2 |
Glyph of Delusion | Blue | Instant | U | Put X counters on one target creature that target wall blocked during this turn; X is the power of the blocked creature. Creature does not untap as normal while it has one or more of these counters on it. Remove one counter during creature's controller's upkeep. |
C1 | |
Glyph of Destruction | Red | Instant | R | Target wall you control gains +10/+0 when blocking. Any damage dealt to target wall is reduced to zero. Target wall is destroyed at end of turn. |
C2 | |
Glyph of Doom | Black | Instant | B | All creatures blocked by target wall are destroyed at the end of combat. | C2 | |
Glyph of Life | White | Instant | W | Damage done to target wall by attacking creatures is added to your life point total. | C2 | |
Glyph of Reincarntion | Green | Instant | G | Play after combat is over. All surviving creatures blocked by target wall this turn are buried.For each creature buried in this manner, choose one creature from attacker's graveyard and return it to play under attacker's control.Treat these creatures as if they were just summoned. If there are not enough creatures in attacker's graveyard, all creatures in attacker's graveyard are returned to play. |
C1 | |
Gosta Dirk | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3WWUU | 4/4 | First strike Creatures with islandwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. |
R1 |
Gravity Sphere | Red | Enchant World | 2R | All creatures lose flying ability. | R1 | |
Great Defender | White | Instant | W | Target creature gains +0/+X until end of turn where X is the creature's casting cost. |
U1 | |
Great Wall | White | Enchantment | 2W | Creatures with plainswalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | U1 | |
Greater Realm of Preservation | White | Enchantment | 1W | 1W: Prevents all damage against you from one red or black source. If a source does damage to you more than once in a turn, you must pay 1W each time you want to prevent the damage. | U1 | |
Greed | Black | Enchantment | 3B | B: Draw an extra card and lose 2 life. Effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life. | R1 | |
Green Mana Battery | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 2, TAP: Put one counter on Green Mana Battery. TAP: Add G to your mana pool. Remove as many counters as you wish. For each counter removed add G to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
U1 | |
Gwendlyn Di Corci | Multi-color | Summon Legend | RBBU | 3/5 | TAP: Target player discards one card from his or her hand at random. This power may only be used during your turn. | R1 |
Halfdane | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 1BUW | */* | When Halfdane comes into play he is 3/3. During your upkeep, Halfdane acquires the current power and toughness of target creature other than Halfdane. If there are no legal targets, Halfdane becomes 3/3. |
R1 |
Hammerheim | Land | Legendary Land | - | TAP: Add R to your mana pool TAP: Remove all landwalking ability from target creature until end of turn. |
U2 | |
Hazezon Tamar | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4WGR | 2/4 | On your next upkeep after Hazezon is put into play, put * token Sand Warriors into play, where * is the number of lands under your control. Treat the Warriors as 1/1 white, green, and red creatures. If Hazezon leaves play, all Sand Warriors are also removed from game. |
R1 |
Headless Horseman | Black | Summon Horseman | 2B | 2/2 | - | C1 |
Heaven's Gate | White | Instant | W | Changes the color of one or more target creatures to white until end of turn. You choose which and how many creatures are affected. Costs to tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target creatures remain entirely unchanged. | U1 | |
Hell Swarm | Black | Instant | B | All creatures get -1/-0 until end of turn. | C1 | |
Hell's Caretaker | Black | Summon Hell's Caretaker | 3B | 1/1 | TAP: During your upkeep sacrifice a creature and take a creature from your graveyard and put it directly into play. Treat this creature as though it were just summoned. | R1 |
Hellfire | Black | Sorcery | 2BBB | All non-black creatures are destroyed. Hellfire does X + 3 damage to you; X is the number of creatures placed in the graveyard. |
R1 | |
Holy Day | White | Instant | W | Creatures attack and block as normal, but none deal any damage. All attacking creatures are still tapped. Play any time before attack damage is assigned. |
C1 | |
Horn of Deafening | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 2, TAP: Target creature deals no damage during combat this turn. | R1 | |
Hornet Cobra | Green | Summon Cobra | 1GG | 2/1 | First strike | C2 |
Horror of Horrors | Black | Enchantment | 3BB | Allows caster to sacrifice a swamp to regenerate a target black creature. | U1 | |
Hunding Gjornersen | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2UUW | 5/4 | Rampage: 1 | U1 |
Hyperion Blacksmith | Red | Summon Smith | 1RR | 2/2 | TAP: Target artifact controlled by opponent becomes tapped or untapped. | U1 |
Ichneumon Druid | Green | Summon Druid | 1GG | 1/1 | Ichneumon Druid does 4 damage to any opponent casting an instant.This does not apply to the first instant cast by that opponent in each turn. | U1 |
Immolation | Red | Enchant Creature | R | Target creature gains +2/-2. | C1 | |
Imprison | Black | Enchant Creature | B | Pay 1 each time target creature attempts to attack, block, or tap. That action is prevented and the creature becomes tapped. Destroy enchantment if mana is not paid. | R1 | |
In the Eye of Chaos | Blue | Enchant World | 2U | All instants and interrupts are countered unless their caster pays an additional X, where X is the casting cost of the spell being cast. | R1 | |
Indestructible Aura | White | Instant | W | Any damage dealt to target creature for remainder of turn is reduced to 0. | C2 | |
Infernal Medusa | Black | Summon Medusa | 3BB | 2/4 | All non-wall creatures blocking Medusa are destroyed at the end of combat, as are all creatures blocked by Medusa. |
U1 |
Infinite Authority | White | Enchant Creature | WWW | All creatures with toughness 3 or less blocking target creature or blocked by target creature are destroyed at end of combat. At the end of the turn put a +1/+1 counter on the target creature for each creature destroyed in this manner during the turn. Counters remain on creature even if enchantment leaves play. | R1 | |
Invoke Prejudice | Blue | Enchantment | UUUU | If opponent casts a Summon spell that does not match the color of one of the creatures under your control, that spell is countered unless the caster pays an additional X where X is the casting cost of the Summon spell. |
R1 | |
Ivory Guardians | White | Summon Guardians | 4WW | 3/3 | Protection from red All guardians gain +1/+1 if an opponent controls any red cards. |
U1 |
Jacques le Vert | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 1WGR | 3/2 | All your green creatures gain +0/+2. | R1 |
Jasmine Boreal | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3WG | 4/5 | - | U1 |
Jedit Ojanen | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4UWW | 5/5 | - | U1 |
Jerrard of the Closed Fist | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3GGR | 6/5 | - | U1 |
Johan | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3WGR | 5/4 | If Johan does not attack and is not tapped, any of your creatures may attack without tapping. | R1 |
Jovial Evil | Black | Sorcery | 2B | Jovial Evil does 2 damage to opponent for each white creature he or she controls. | R1 | |
Juxtapose | Blue | Sorcery | 3U | Target player and caster each choose one of the creatures they control with the highest casting cost. Exchange control of these creatures. Then do the same for artifacts. Juxtapose does not tap or untap these cards. The control of any enchantment cards played on these permanents is unchanged. If one player does not have an artifact or creature do not trade that type of card. |
R1 | |
Karakas | Land | Legendary Land | - | TAP: Add W to your mana pool TAP: Return target legend to owner's hand; enchantments on target legend are destroyed. |
U2 | |
Kasimir the Lone Wolf | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4UW | 5/3 | - | U1 |
Keepers of the Faith | White | Summon Keepers | 1WW | 2/3 | - | C2 |
Kei Takahashi | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2WG | 2/2 | TAP: Prevent up to 2 damage to one creature. | R1 |
Killer Bees | Green | Summon Bees | 1GG | 0/1 | Flying G: +1/+1 until end of turn. |
R1 |
Kismet | White | Enchantment | 3W | All creatures, lands, and artifacts played by opponent comes into play tapped. | U1 | |
Knowledge Vault | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 2, TAP: Take a card from your library without looking at it and place it face down under Knowledge Vault. Sacrifice Knowledge Vault to discard entire hand and take the cards under the vault into your hand. If Knowledge Vault leaves play, put all cards under it in your graveyard. |
R1 | |
Kobold Drill Sergeant | Red | Summon Drill Sergeant | 1R | 1/2 | All your Kobolds gain +0/+1 and Trample. | U1 |
Kobold Overlord | Red | Summon Lord | 1R | 1/2 | First strike All your Kobolds gain first strike. |
R1 |
Kobold Taskmaster | Red | Summon Taskmaster | 1R | 1/2 | All your Kobolds gain +1/+0. | U1 |
Kobolds of Kher Keep | Red | Summon Kobolds | 0 | 0/1 | This card is a red spell when cast and Kobolds are a red creature. | C2 |
Kry Shield | Artifact | Artifact | 2 | 2, TAP: Target creature you control deals no damage this turn, but gains +0/+X until end of turn, where X is the casting cost of target creature. | U1 | |
Lady Caleria | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3WWGG | 3/6 | TAP: Lady Caleria does 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. | R1 |
Lady Evangela | Multi-color | Summon Legend | BUW | 1/2 | BW, TAP: Target creature does no damage during combat this turn. | R1 |
Lady of the Mountain, The | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4GR | 5/5 | - | U1 |
Lady Orca | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 5BR | 7/4 | - | U1 |
Land Equilibrium | Blue | Enchantment | 2UU | If your opponent controls at least as much land as you do, he or she must sacrifice a land for each land he or she puts into play. | R1 | |
Land Tax | White | Enchantment | W | During your upkeep, if an opponent controls more land than you, you may search your library and remove up to three basic land cards and put them into your hand. Reshuffle your library afterwards. | U1 | |
Land's Edge | Red | Enchant World | 1RR | Any player may discard a card from hand at any time. If that player discards a land, Land's Edge does 2 damage to target player of the discarding player's choice. |
R1 | |
Lesser Werewolf | Black | Summon Lycanthrope | 3B | 2/4 | B: Lesser Werewolf gets -1/-0 until end of turn. Put a -0/-1 counter on target creature that blocks or is blocked by the Werewolf. Use this ability after defense is chosen but before damage is dealt. You may not use this ability to reduce the Lesser Werewolf's power below 0. |
U1 |
Life Chisel | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | Sacrifice a creature during your upkeep to gain life equal to creature's toughness. | U2 | |
Life Matrix | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 4, TAP: During your upkeep, put one counter on target creature. You may remove this counter at any time to regenerate that creature. |
R1 | |
Lifeblood | White | Enchantment | 2WW | You gain 1 life each time one of opponent's mountains becomes tapped. | R1 | |
Living Plane | Green | Enchant World | 2GG | Treat all land in play as both lands and 1/1 creatures. They may not be tapped for mana the first turn they are brought into play. |
R1 | |
Livonya Silone | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2GGRR | 4/4 | First strike, Legendary Land Walk. | R1 |
Lord Magnus | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3WWG | 4/3 | First strike Creatures with plainswalk or forestwalk may be blocked as if they did not have either ability. |
U1 |
Lost Soul | Black | Summon Lost Soul | 1BB | 2/1 | Swampwalk | C2 |
Mana Drain | Blue | Interrupt | UU | Counters target spell. At the beginning of your next main phase, add X to your mana pool, where X is the casting cost of target spell. | U1 | |
Mana Matrix | Artifact | Artifact | 6 | Pay up to 2 less than required whenever casting an instant, interrupt, or enchantment spell. | R1 | |
Marble Priest | Artifact | Artifact Creature | 5 | 3/3 | All walls able to block Marble Priest must do so. Walls able to block more than one creature can still do so. If blocking wall is compelled to block more creatures than it is legally able to, defender chooses which of these attacking creatures to block, but must block as many creatures as it legally can. Damage dealt to Marble Priest from walls during combat is reduced to 0. |
U1 |
Marhault Elsdragon | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3GRR | 4/6 | Rampage: 1 | U1 |
Master of the Hunt | Green | Summon Master | 2GG | 2/2 | 2GG: Put a Wolves of the Hunt token into play. Treat this token as a 1/1 green creature with the ability bands with other Wolves of the Hunt. |
R1 |
Mirror Universe | Artifact | Artifact | 6 | TAP: Sacrifice Mirror Universe during your upkeep, and trade your number of lives with opponent. For example, if you had 2 lives and your opponent had 10, you would now have 10 lives and your opponent would have 2. Effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this change of life. |
R1 | |
Moat | White | Enchantment | 2WW | Non-flying creatures cannot attack. | R1 | |
Mold Demon | Black | Summon Mold Demon | 5BB | 6/6 | When Mold Demon is brought into play, controller must sacrifice two swamps or Mold Demon is buried. | R1 |
Moss Monster | Green | Summon Monster | 3GG | 3/6 | - | C2 |
Mountain Stronghold | Land | Land | - | All your red legends may band with other legends. | U1 | |
Mountain Yeti | Red | Summon Yeti | 2RR | 3/3 | Mountainwalk, protection from white. | U1 |
Nebuchadnezzar | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3BU | 3/3 | X, TAP: Name a card. Opponent reveals X cards from his or her hand at random, or entire hand if he or she does not have enough cards. Opponent then discards any of those cards that match the one you named. May only use this power during your turn. | R1 |
Nether Void | Black | Enchant World | 3B | All spells cast are countered unless their casters pay an additional 3. | R1 | |
Nicol Bolas | Multi-color | Summon Elder Dragon Legend | 2UUBBRR | 7/7 | Flying An opponent damaged by Nicol Bolas must discard entire hand. Ignore this effect if opponent has no cards left in hand. Pay UBR during your upkeep or Nicol Bolas is buried. |
R1 |
North Star | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 4, TAP: You may cast one spell this turn by paying its casting cost with any type of mana. For example, 2GG becomes 4. However, the card still retains its original color. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
R1 | |
Nova Pentacle | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 3, TAP: Redirect damage done to you from one source to target creature of opponent's choice. | R1 | |
Osai Vultures | White | Summon Vultures | 1W | 1/1 | Flying At the end of any turn in which a creature is placed in the graveyard from play, put a counter on the Vultures. Remove two counters to give Vultures +1/+1 until end of turn. |
C1 |
Palladia-Mors | Multi-color | Summon Elder Dragon Legend | 2WWGGRR | 7/7 | Flying, Trample Pay WGR during your upkeep or Palladia-Mors is buried. |
R1 |
Part Water | Blue | Sorcery | XXU | X target creatures gain islandwalk until end of turn. | U1 | |
Pavel Maliki | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4BR | 5/3 | BR: +1/+0 until end of turn. | U1 |
Pendelhaven | Land | Legendary Land | - | TAP: Add G to your mana pool TAP: Target 1/1 creature gains +1/+2 until end of turn. |
U2 | |
Petra Sphinx | White | Summon Sphinx | 2WWW | TAP: Target player names a card and then turns over the top card of his or her library. If it matches the named card, the card is put in the player's hand; otherwise it is put into the graveyard. | R1 | |
Pit Scorpion | Black | Summon Scorpion | 2B | 1/1 | If Scorpion damages opponent, opponent gets a poison counter. If opponent ever has ten or more poison counters, opponent loses game. | C2 |
Pixie Queen | Green | Summon Pixie Queen | 2GG | 1/1 | Flying GGGTAP: Target creature gains flying until end of turn. |
R1 |
Planar Gate | Artifact | Artifact | 6 | Pay up to 2 less than required whenever casting a summon spell. | R1 | |
Pradesh Gypsies | Green | Summon Gypsies | 2G | 1/1 | 1G, TAP: Target creature gets -2/-0 until end of turn. | U1 |
Presence of the Master | White | Enchantment | 3W | While Presence of the Master is in play, any new enchantments cast are countered. | U1 | |
Primordial Ooze | Red | Summon Ooze | R | 1/1 | Must attack each turn if possible. Gains +1/+1 at end of your upkeep. Use counters. Then pay 1 per counter or Ooze deals 1 damage to you for each counter and becomes tapped. | U1 |
Princess Lucrezia | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3BUU | 5/4 | TAP: Add U to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
U1 |
Psionic Entity | Blue | Summon Entity | 4U | 2/2 | TAP: Psionic Entity does 2 damage to any target but does 3 damage to itself. | R1 |
Psychic Purge | Blue | Sorcery | U | Psychic Purge does 1 damage to any target. If a spell cast by opponent or a permanent under opponent's control causes you to discard this card, opponent loses 5 life. Effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life. |
C1 | |
Puppet Master | Blue | Enchant Creature | UUU | If target creature is placed in the graveyard, return creature to owner's hand. All enchantments on target creature are destroyed. You may pay UUU to return Puppet Master to its owner's hand if target creature returns to its owner's hand. |
U1 | |
Pyrotechnics | Red | Sorcery | 4R | Pyrotechnics does 4 damage divided any way you choose among any number of targets. | C2 | |
Quaqmire | Black | Enchantment | 2B | Creatures with swampwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | U1 | |
Quarum Trench Gnomes | Red | Summon Gnomes | 3R | 1/1 | TAP: Target plains produces 1 instead of W until end of game. Use counters. | R1 |
Rabid Wombat | Green | Summon Wombat | 2GG | 0/1 | Wombat gains +2/+2 for each creature enchantment on it. Attacking does not cause Rabid Wombat to tap. |
U1 |
Radjan Spirit | Green | Summon Spirit | 3G | 3/2 | TAP: Target creature loses flying ability until end of turn. | U1 |
Raging Bull | Red | Summon Bull | 2R | 2/2 | - | C1 |
Ragnar | Multi-color | Summon Legend | UWG | 2/2 | UWG, TAP: Regenerate target creature. | R1 |
Ramirez DePietro | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3BBU | 4/3 | First strike | U1 |
Ramses Overdark | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2BBUU | 4/3 | TAP: Destroys a target creature which has an enchantment card played on it. | R1 |
Rapid Fire | White | Instant | 3W | Play before defense is chosen. Target creature gains first strike until end of turn. If the creature does not already have rampage, then it also gains Rampage: 2 until end of turn. | R1 | |
Rasputin Dreamweaver | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4WU | 4/1 | Put seven counters on Rasputin when brought into play. You may remove a counter to prevent one damage to Rasputin or add 1 to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. Put one counter on Rasputin during your upkeep if he started the turn untapped. You may not have more than seven of these counters on Rasputin at any time. | R1 |
Rathi Berserker | Red | Summon Berserker | 2RRR | 2/4 | Rampage: 3 | U1 |
Rebirth | Green | Sorcery | 3GGG | Each player may choose to be healed to 20 life. Any player choosing to be healed antes an additional card from the top of his or her library. Remove this card from your deck before playing if you are not playing for ante. |
R1 | |
Recall | Blue | Sorcery | XXU | Sacrifice X cards from your hand and then bring X cards from your graveyard to your hand. Then remove Recall from the game. |
R1 | |
Red Mana Battery | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 2, TAP: Put one counter on Red Mana Battery. TAP: Add R to your mana pool. Remove as many counters as you wish. For each counter removed add R to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
U1 | |
Reincarnation | Green | Instant | 1GG | If target creature is placed in graveyard this turn, bring a creature from that graveyard directly into play under the control of the owner of the target creature. Treat this creature as though it were just summoned. |
U1 | |
Relic Barrier | Artifact | Artifact | 2 | TAP: Target artifact becomes tapped. | U2 | |
Relic Bind | Blue | Enchant Artifact | 2U | When target artifact is tapped, the controller of Relic Bind can choose to do 1 damage to any player or give 1 life to any player. |
U1 | |
Remove Enchantments | White | Instant | W | Remove all enchantments you control and remove all enchantment cards played on all permanents you control. If this spell is cast during opponent's attack, also remove all enchantment cards played on attacking creatures. All enchantments you own are returned to your hand; all other enchantments are destroyed. | C1 | |
Remove Soul | Blue | Interrupt | 1U | Counter target summon spell. | C2 | |
Reset | Blue | Interrupt | UU | All your lands untap. Reset can only be played on an opponent's turn after his or her upkeep phase. | U1 | |
Revelation | Green | Enchant World | G | All players play with the cards in their hands face up on the table. | R1 | |
Reverberation | Blue | Instant | 2UU | Damage from one sorcery spell is redirected to its caster. | R1 | |
Righteous Avengers | White | Summon Avengers | 4W | 3/1 | Plainswalk | U1 |
Ring of Immortals | Artifact | Artifact | 5 | 3, TAP: Counter target interrupt or enchantment. Can only counter spells which target a permanent under your control. This ability is played as an interrupt. | R1 | |
Riven Turnbull | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 5BU | 5/7 | TAP: Add B to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
U1 |
Rohgahh of Kher Keep | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2BBRR | 5/5 | All your Kobolds of Kher Keep gain +2/+2. Pay RRR during your upkeep, or Urgloth and all Kobolds of Kher Keep become tapped and come under opponent's control. |
R1 |
Rubinia Soulsinger | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2UWG | 2/3 | Tap to gain control of target creature. Rubinia does not tap or untap this creature. If Rubinia becomes untapped you lose control of this creature; you may choose not to untap Rubinia as normal during your untap phase. You also lose control of creature if either Rubinia leaves play or you lose control of Rubinia, or the game ends. |
R1 |
Rust | Green | Interrupt | G | Counter target artifact effect, which must require an activation cost. | C2 | |
Sea King's Blessing | Blue | Instant | U | Changes the color of one or more target creatures to blue until endof turn. You choose which and how many creatures are affected. Cost to tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target creature(s) remains entirely unchanged. | U1 | |
Seafarer's Quay | Land | Land | - | All your blue legends gain bands with other legends. | U2 | |
Seeker | White | Enchant Creature | 2WW | Target creature cannot be blocked by any creatures except white creatures and artifact creatures. | U1 | |
Segovian Leviathan | Blue | Summon Leviathan | 4U | 3/3 | Islandwalk | U1 |
Sentinel | Artifact | Artifact Creature | 4 | 1/* | The * in the lower right hand corner is 1 when cast. While blocking, you may choose to change * to equal one plus the power of target creature sentinel blocks this turn. While attacking, you may choose to change * to equal one plus the power of target creature that blocks Sentinel this turn. |
R1 |
Serpent Generator | Artifact | Artifact | 6 | 4, TAP: Put a Poison Snake token into play. Treat this token as a 1/1 artifact creature. If this creature damages opponent, opponent gets a poison counter. If opponent ever has ten or more poison counters, opponent loses game. |
R1 | |
Shelkin Brownie | Green | Summon Faerie | 1G | 1/1 | TAP: Remove the bands with other ability from target creature until end of turn. | C1 |
Shield Wall | White | Instant | 1W | All your creatures gain +0/+2 until end of turn. | U1 | |
Shimian Night Stalker | Black | Summon Night Stalker | 3BB | 4/4 | B, TAP: Redirect all damage done to you from any one attacking creature to the Shimian Night Stalker. | U1 |
Silhouette | Blue | Instant | 1U | Until end of turn, damage done to target creature by spells or effects that target it is reduced to 0. | U1 | |
Sir Shandlar of Eberyn | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4WG | 4/7 | - | U1 |
Sivitri Scarzam | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 5BU | 6/4 | - | U1 |
Sol'kanar the Swamp King | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2RBU | 5/5 | Swampwalk Sol'kanar's controller gains 1 life each time a black spell is cast. |
R1 |
Spectral Cloak | Blue | Enchant Creature | UU | Target creature cannot be the target of instants, sorceries, fast effects, or enchantments unless creature is tapped. | U1 | |
Spinal Villain | Red | Summon Villain | 2R | 1/2 | TAP: Destroy target blue creature. | R1 |
Spirit Link | White | Enchant Creature | W | For every point of damage target creature does, you gain 1 life. | U1 | |
Spirit Shackle | Black | Enchant Creature | B | Put a -0/-2 counter on target creature every time it becomes tapped.Counters remain even if enchantment is removed. | C1 | |
Spiritual Sanctuary | White | Enchantment | 2WW | All players with plains under their control gain 1 life during their upkeeps. | R1 | |
Stangg | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 4GR | 3/4 | When Stangg is brought into play, also put a Stangg Twin token into play. Stangg Twin token is a 3/4 green and red legend. If Stangg leaves play, remove Stangg Twin token from game. If Stangg Twin leaves play, bury Stangg. |
R1 |
Storm Seeker | Green | Instant | 3G | Storm Seeker does 1 damage to opponent for every card in his or her hand. | U1 | |
Storm World | Red | Enchant World | R | If any player has less than four cards in hand at the end of his or her upkeep, Storm World does one damage to that player for each card less than four. | R1 | |
Subdue | Green | Instant | G | Target creature deals no damage during combat but gains X toughness until end of turn; X is target creature's casting cost. | C1 | |
Sunastian Falconer | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3GR | 4/4 | TAP: Add 2 to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
U1 |
Sword of the Ages | Artifact | Artifact | 6 | Sword of the Ages comes into play tapped. TAP: Sacrifice Sword of the Ages and as many creatures as you choose. Sword does the combined power of these creatures in damage to one target. Sacrificed creatures and Sword are then removed from the game entirely. |
R1 | |
Sylvan Library | Green | Enchantment | 1G | You may draw two extra cards during your draw phase, then either put two of the cards drawn this turn back on top of your library (in any order), or lose 4 lives per card not replaced. Effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life. | U1 | |
Sylvan Paradise | Green | Instant | G | Changes the color of one or more target creatures to green until end of turn. You choose which and how many creatures are affected. Cost to tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target creatures remains entirely unchanged. | U1 | |
Syphon Soul | Black | Sorcery | 2B | Syphon Soul does 2 damage to all players except caster. Caster gains life points equal to the amount of damage done by Syphon Soul. | C2 | |
Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale, The | Land | Legendary Land | - | All creatures now require an upkeep cost of 1 in addition to any other upkeep costs they may have. If the upkeep cost for a creature is not paid, the creature is destroyed. | R1 | |
Tacklemaggot | Black | Enchant Creature | 2BB | Put a 0/-1 counter on target creature during its controller's upkeep.If the creature is placed in the graveyard, its controller chooses a new target for Takklemaggot. If there are no legal targets, Takklemaggot becomes an Enchantment and Takklemaggot does one damage to the controller of the last creature Takklemaggot was on, during his or her upkeep. Takklemaggot does not revert to an Enchant Creature even if other creatures are afterwards brought into play. |
U1 | |
Telekinesis | Blue | Instant | UU | Target creature deals no damage during combat this turn. Creature becomes tapped and may not untap as normal during its controller's next two untap phases. | R1 | |
Teleport | Blue | Instant | UUU | Target creature cannot be blocked until end of turn. Play after attack is declared and before defense is chosen. |
R1 | |
Tempest Efreet | Red | Summon Efreet | 1RRR | 3/3 | TAP: Pick a card at random from opponent's hand and place it in yours. Bury Tempest Efreet in opponent's graveyard. The change in ownership is permanent. Play as an interrupt, but opponent may prevent effect by paying 10 life or conceding game before the card to be switched is chosen-if this is done, Tempest Efreet is buried. Effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter loss of life. Remove this card from deck if not playing for ante. |
R1 |
Tetsuo Umezawa | Multi-color | Summon Legend | RBU | 3/3 | RBBU, TAP: Destroy target tapped creature or target blocking creature. Tetsuo may not be a target of an enchant creature spell. | R1 |
Thunder Spirit | White | Summon Spirit | 1WW | 2/2 | First strike, flying. | R1 |
Time Elemental | Blue | Summon Elemental | 2U | 0/2 | 2UU, TAP: Return target permanent to owner's hand. Cannot target permanents with enchantment cards played on them. If Time Elemental blocks or attacks it is destroyed and does 5 damage to controller. |
R1 |
Tobias Andrion | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3UW | 4/4 | - | U1 |
Tolaria | Land | Legendary Land | - | TAP: Add U to your mana pool TAP: During upkeep remove the banding or bands with other ability from target creature until end of turn. |
U2 | |
Tor Wauki | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 2BBR | 3/3 | TAP: Tor Wauki does 2 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. | U1 |
Torsten Von Ursus | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3WGG | 5/5 | - | U1 |
Touch of Darkness | Black | Instant | B | Changes the color of one or more target creatures to black until end of turn. You choose which and how many creatures are affected. Cost to tap, maintain, or to use a special ability of target creatures remains entirely unchanged. | U1 | |
Transmutation | Black | Instant | 1B | Until end of turn, target creature's power and toughness are switched. Effects that alter power alter toughness instead, and vice versa. |
C1 | |
Triassic Egg | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 3, TAP: Put one counter on Triassic Egg. If there are at least two such counters, you may sacrifice Triassic Egg to take any creature from your hand or graveyard and put it directly into play. Treat this creature as though it were just summoned. |
R1 | |
Tuknir Deathlock | Multi-color | Summon Legend | GGRR | 2/2 | Flying GR, TAP: Target creature gains +2/+2 until end of turn. |
R1 |
Tundra Wolves | White | Summon Wolves | W | 1/1 | First strike | C2 |
Typhoon | Green | Sorcery | 2G | Typhoon does 1 damage to each opponent for each island he or she controls. | R1 | |
Undertow | Blue | Enchantment | 2U | Creatures with islandwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | U1 | |
Underworld Dreams | Black | Enchantment | BBB | Underworld Dreams does one damage to opponent for each card he or she draws. | U1 | |
Unholy Citadel | Land | Land | - | All your black legends gain bands with other legends. | U2 | |
Untamed Wilds | Green | Sorcery | 2G | Search your library for any one basic land and put it into play. This does not count towards your one land per turn limit. Reshuffle your library afterwards. | U1 | |
Ur-Drago | Multi-color | Summon Legend | 3BBUU | 4/4 | First strike Creatures with swampwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. |
R1 |
Urborg | Land | Legendary Land | - | TAP: Add B to your mana pool TAP: Remove first strike ability or swampwalk ability from target creature until end of turn. |
U2 | |
Vaevictis Asmadi | Multi-color | Summon Elder Dragon Legend | 2BBRRGG | 7/7 | Flying B: Gain +1/+0 until end of turn. R: Gain +1/+0 until end of turn. G: Gain +1/+0 until end of turn. Pay BRG during your upkeep or Vaevictis Asmadi is buried. |
R1 |
Vampire Bats | Black | Summon Bats | B | 0/1 | Flying, B: +1/+0 until end of turn. No more than BB may be spent in this way per turn. |
C2 |
Venarian Gold | Blue | Enchant Creature | XUU | Put X counters on target creature. Target creature becomes tapped when Venarian Gold is cast. Creature does not untap as normal if it has any of these counters on it. Remove one counter during creature's controller's upkeep phase. | C1 | |
Visions | White | Sorcery | W | You may look at the top five cards of any library. You may then choose to shuffle that library. | U1 | |
Voodoo Doll | Artifact | Artifact | 6 | Put one counter on Voodoo Doll during your upkeep. If Voodoo Doll is not tapped at end of your turn, it does X damage to you and is destroyed. X equals the number of counters on Voodoo Doll. XX, TAP: Voodoo Doll does X damage to any one target. |
R1 | |
Walking Dead | Black | Summon Walking Dead | 1B | 1/1 | B: Regenerates | C1 |
Wall of Caltrops | White | Summon Wall | 1W | 2/1 | If Wall of Caltrops and one or more other walls join to block an attacker and no other creatures besides walls block that attacker, Wall of Caltrops gains banding ability until end of turn. | C1 |
Wall of Dust | Red | Summon Wall | 2R | 1/4 | Creatures blocked by Wall of Dust cannot attack during your opponent's next turn. Use counters to mark these creatures. | U1 |
Wall of Earth | Red | Summon Wall | 1R | 0/6 | - | C2 |
Wall of Heat | Red | Summon Wall | 2R | 2/6 | - | C1 |
Wall of Light | White | Summon Wall | 2W | 1/5 | Protection from black | U1 |
Wall of Opposition | Red | Summon Wall | 3RR | 0/6 | 1: +1/+0 until end of turn. | R1 |
Wall of Putrid Flesh | Black | Summon Wall | 2B | 2/4 | Protection from white Damage done to wall by creatures with enchantment cards played on them is reduced to 0. |
U1 |
Wall of Shadows | Black | Summon Wall | 1BB | 0/1 | Damage Wall of Shadows receives from creatures it blocks is reduced to 0. Effects that target only walls may not target Wall of Shadows. |
C2 |
Wall of Tombstones | Black | Summon Wall | 1B | At the end of your upkeep, the * below is set to the number of creatures in your graveyard. | U1 | |
Wall of Vapor | Blue | Summon Wall | 3U | 0/1 | Damage done to Wall of Vapor by creatures it blocks is reduced to 0. | C2 |
Wall of Wonder | Blue | Summon Wall | 2UU | 1/5 | 2UU: Gain +4/-4 and allow Wall of Wonder to attack this turn. | U1 |
Whirling Dervish | Green | Summon Dervish | GG | 1/1 | Protection from black Gains +1/+1 (use counters) at the end of each turn in which it does damage to opponent. |
U1 |
White Mana Battery | Artifact | Artifact | 4 | 2, TAP: Put one counter on White Mana Battery. TAP: Add W to your mana pool. Remove as many counters as you wish. For each counter removed add W to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
U1 | |
Willow Satyr | Green | Summon Satyr | 2GG | 1/1 | TAP: Gain control of target legend. If Willow Satyr becomes untapped, you lose control of this legend; you may choose not to untap Willow Satyr as normal. You also lose control of legend if Willow Satyr leaves play, if you lose control of Willow Satyr, or if the game ends. |
R1 |
Winds of Change | Red | Sorcery | R | All players shuffle their hands into their libraries, and then draw the same number of cards they originally held. | U1 | |
Winter Blast | Green | Sorcery | XG | X target creatures become tapped. Winter Blast does 2 damage to each target creature that has flying. |
R1 | |
Wolverine Pack | Green | Summon Wolverine Pack | 2GG | 2/4 | Rampage: 2 | C2 |
Wood Elemental | Green | Summon Elemental | 3G | */* | *s in the lower right-hand corner are set to the number of untapped forests you sacrifice when Wood Elemental is brought into play. |
R1 |
Wretched, The | Black | Summon Wretched | 3BB | 2/5 | At the end of combat take control of all creatures that blocked The Wretched. The Wretched does not tap or untap these creatures. You lose control of these creatures if The Wretched leaves play or if you lose control of The Wretched. | R1 |
Xira Arien | Multi-color | Summon Legend | GRB | 1/2 | Flying GRB, TAP: Target player draws one card. |
R1 |
Zephyr Falcon | Blue | Summon Falcon | 1U | 1/1 | Flying Attacking does not cause Zephyr Falcon to tap. |
C2 |